Common frustrations when selling your property!

Common frustrations when selling your property!

Sometimes no matter how hard the estate agent is trying (in their mind) frustration is inevitable. But what if your frustration is founded?

Many of the common frustrations in selling property are noted below, but most stem with "why is my property not selling" and that tends to be the marketing!

In no particular order, common complaints are:

  • Not getting enough viewings!
  • Not getting viewing feedback!
  • Viewers not turning up!
  • Feedback which is not helpful!
  • Not getting general market feedback!
  • Not being able to get hold of your estate agent!
  • Being asked to reduce the price all of the time!
  • A lack of general communication!
  • No consistency in staff!
  • Not happy with the marketing!

The list could go on forever to be fair, but the most common are above and to be truthful, the marketing can the key to reducing other frustrations when it comes to selling property.

How do we know? Well we have learnt over the years (Since 1991) and we have improved by listening to the complaints of past clients. Yes everyone gets complaints, but listening and learning is the key to evolving and hopefully creating the best possible customer experience. So having the best communication systems, a team that care and importantly a team that are lead well by the owners of the business.

If you are struggling to sell, or get a constructive response to your concerns, here are a few suggestions from us to help improve your chances of selling.

It all starts with the marketing!

  1. Are your photos as good as they can be?
  2. Are the floorplans accurate, clear and well labelled? (7 out of 10 floorplans are wrong)
  3. Is the write up punchy and informative?
  4. Is the digital marketing loaded correctly to help buyers find your property?
  5. Overall, is your marketing as good as can be expected?
  6. Is all the essential information required by law declared and visible?
  7. Is your property easily found using Google including Google Maps? (it's pretty popular for people searching for homes!)
  8. Is the map location of your property correct?
  9. Is your property generating digital click throughs?
  10. Has all the team seen the property inside?
  11. Has your property advert been re-written to keep it fresh?
  12. Have the external photos been retaken to keep the advert fresh and up to date?
  13. Have the photos been re-ordered to keep the advert different?
  14. Is the agent using a mailing list but actually contacting people and can prove it?
  15. Has the agent asked people "Why aren't you viewing it" (this can be vital for price advice)
  16. Has the agent given you feedback to the point above?
  17. Is your agent actually motivated to sell the property?
  18. Have you had the conversation about the points above and did they satisfy you with their answers?
  19. Did the agent call you to suggest the above, or did you need to chase them?

There is good reason as to why "yes" is a must answer to all the questions above!

A "no" to any of these, might well suggest the agent has not yet given their 100%

If you are struggling to sell, before contemplating a price reduction which can cost you thousands, if not tens of thousands you really need to know the answer "yes" has been given to all of the questions above!

If you are unhappy with any element of your marketing, INSIST they change it... or question if they will not improve it, or try to...why not? (they may have good reason, but the reason needs to be explained)

Not getting the answers you deserve? Go to the top and don't accept excuses, and when finally "yes" is the truthful answer to all of the above, patience, luck or a change of agent may well be required!

Still not getting the answers or action you deserve? Dare we be so blunt as to say; do not accept this and change estate agent!

Good luck with the sale, and don't hesitate to contact us if you want our help selling your property in the future...we would love to help!

Team Snapes.

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